In Medias Res

Nec reditum Diomedis ab interitu Meleagri,
nec gemino bellum Troianum orditur ab ovo;
semper ad eventum festinat et in medias res
non secus ac notas auditorem rapit, et quae
desperat tractata nitescere posse relinquit.


What is In Medias Res?

In Medias Res is an online magazine for lovers of the Classics, published by the Paideia Institute. In the word's of our editor John Byron Kuhner "Why call our journal In Medias Res? By connotation it reminds us to deal with facts and affairs of this world (res) as opposed to theory and abstraction; it has overtones of a middle ground, which, as a journal, we wish to occupy; and in its context it speaks of vigorous writing that “hasteth unto the happes” and grabs the reader’s attention — the kind of writing we wish to see. And we choose the title because ultimately we believe that our work as students and teachers has thrown us all in medias res, that middle ground between the past and the future, where we learn as students and share as teachers." You can read about our mission and the origin of magazine's name in "Into the Thickst: Welcome to In Medias Res." 

Do you want to write?

Do you want to review a book, movie, or exhibition with a Classical theme? Is there something going on in your classroom or city that the wider Classics community should know about? Do you have a thoughtful, funny, or otherwise interesting essay about Classics and culture which needs a venue? Pitch it to us at [email protected]. We’re looking for interesting writing about Classical things.