A Grecian Artifact Evokes Tales From the ‘Iliad’ and ‘Odyssey’
Publisher: The New York Times
Author: Nicholas Wade
A Grecian Artifact Evokes Tales From the ‘Iliad’ and ‘Odyssey.’
The First Woman to Translate the ‘Odyssey’ Into English
Publisher: The New York Times
Author: Wyatt Mason
The classicist Emily Wilson has given Homer’s epic a radically contemporary voice.
An Illustrated Homage to ‘D’Aulaires’ Book of Greek Myths’
Publisher: The New York Times
Author: New York Times
George O’Connor revisits the classic graphic tome of Greek mythology.
The Healing Power of Greek Tragedy
Publisher: Smithsonian
Author: Follow @Jeff__Macgregor
Do plays written centuries ago have the power to heal modern day traumas? A new project raises the curtain on a daring new experiment
Review: "An Odyssey"
Publisher: NBC-2.com
Author: Michael D. Langan
"An Odyssey" is, all at once, a beautiful personal narrative and literary interpretation by Daniel Mendelsohn, a classicist at Bard College.
Ancient Greek wisdom for today’s leadership crisis
Publisher: The Conversation
Author: Emily Anhalt
The ancient Greeks knew what made a good leader. Why does it seem we have forgotten their lessons?
Ancient Greek Roman City of Phaselis is Slowly Submerging
Publisher: Greek Reporter
Author: Tasos Kokkinidis
Almost two meters of the ancient city of Phaselis have submerged in 2,000 years, indicated by studies carried out by geologists and geomorphologists in the area, Turkish archaeologists say.
The Odyssey’s Millennia-Old Model of Mentorship
Publisher: The Atlantic
Author: B.R.J. O'Donnell
Homer’s epic provides an early example of enlightened guidance that’s still relevant thousands of years later.
UCLA receives $5 million to establish center for the study of Hellenic culture
Publisher: UCLA Newsroom
Author: Margaret Macdonald
The grant will enable scholars to pursue new research, develop state-of-the-art digital resources and forge international collaborations.
Some People Just Don’t Like The Odyssey
Publisher: New Republic
Author: Giancarlo Buonomo
In Daniel Mendelsohn's new memoir, the act of reading Homer tests a father-son relationship.