Pompeii ‘fast food’ bar unearthed in ancient city after 2,000 years
Publisher: The Guardian
Author: Angela Giuffrida
Thermopolia used by poorer residents with few cooking facilities, archaeologists say
Archaeologist Finds New Evidence Of The Romans Who Escaped Mt. Vesuvius
Publisher: Forbes
Author: Kristina Killgrove
Archaeologists have long focused on the skeletons of those killed by Mt. Vesuvius, but one scholar wants to know the story of the Romans who escaped the eruption of 79 A.D.
What America can learn from the fall of the Roman republic
Publisher: Vox
Author: Sean Illing
The Roman republic destroyed itself. Are we on a similar path?
Latin may help students bridge their native language with English
Publisher: ScienceDaily
Author: Penn State
Researchers found that in teaching English learners -- students who aren't fluent in English and often come from homes where a language other than English is spoken -- the Latin roots of words helped them problem solve the meaning of unfamiliar words.
Is the Aeneid a Celebration of Empire—or a Critique?
Publisher: The New Yorker
Author: Daniel Mendelsohn
By mythologizing the Romans’ Trojan origins, Virgil turned a story about losers into an epic about winners.
‘Rome: A History in Seven Sackings’ Review: The City That Survived
Publisher: WSJ
Author: Greg Woolf
British novelist Matthew Kneale presents the biography of Rome as a tale of disaster.
Roman Tomb Unearthed; to Everyone’s Surprise, It’s Intact
Publisher: NYTimes
Author: Elisabetta Povoledo
Excavations for an aqueduct happened upon a fourth century B.C. chamber tomb, with four skeletons and funerary wares.
He Fled the Ash That Buried Pompeii, Only to Be Crushed by a Rock
Publisher: NYTimes
Author: Yonette Joseph
Archaeologists in Italy found the skeleton of a man protruding from a huge block of stone, almost 2,000 years after he died.
Skeleton unearthed of man crushed by huge rock in Vesuvius eruption
Publisher: the Guardian
Author: Associated Press
Block of stone violently thrown up by volcanic cloud fell on to victim, Pompeii archaeologists say.
London dig unearths Roman bones, jewels and single flake of gold
Publisher: the Guardian
Author: Maev Kennedy
Museum to show rare artefacts alongside ethnically diverse human remains