History: From Polybius' Roman Constitution to the Social Wars

History: From Polybius' Roman Constitution to the Social Wars

*Please note that this course will run only if two or more students enroll.

Course Description: We will start by reading Polybius' Roman Constitution and continue through the end of the Punic Wars and the Macedonian Wars to the Social Wars of the first century BCE.


Level: This course is open to teachers, future historians, and anyone interested in ancient Greek and Roman history.

Textbook: Instructor will provide materials. Recommended: Polybius's The Rise of Rome.

Sections capped at: 5 students. If the course is sold-out, please fill out this waiting-list form.

Thursdays, 7:00p.m. U.S. Eastern Time


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Albert Requejo

Albert (PhD Classics) teaches High School Latin (and Greek when opportunity arises). His interest lies in Roman History, especially the republican period.