Course Description: In this course you will learn and practice to write Latin verses yourself! We will concentrate on hexameters and elegiacs, starting with easier exercises on metrics that will lead you to compose Elegiac couplets by yourself. During this course, you will be able to deepen your knowledge of metre when we will speak about different kinds of feet (pedes), stylistic features or differences in the style of Roman authors. Learning how to compose verses, through which you will achieve an active knowledge of metre, will help you to appreciate the artwork of Latin poetry more.
Level: Required is an advanced knowledge of Latin (not necessarily on a speaking level, just good grammar & vocabulary), experience in reading Latin poetry and a good knowledge of metre (you should be able to scan an read Elegiacs) and prosodical rules. Do not worry if you have insecurities here and there or make mistakes, which is natural when having just a passive knowledge: while composing verses, we will repeat all the metrical and prosodical rules anyway, whenever they come up.
Textbook: Instructor will provide materials.
Sections capped at: 5 students. If the course is sold-out, please fill out this waiting-list form.
Tuesdays, 3pm U.S. Eastern Time
Course has already past.