*Please note that this course will run only if two or more students enroll.
Course Description: This class is an exercise in slow reading. Students are to read and translate in turn sentence by sentence from the original; then follows a detailed analysis of each passage, from the discussion of the nuances of its grammar/syntax to the assessment of its logical/rhetorical force in the context of the argument. NB: It is a continuation of the previous reading class on the same text. We'll resume at … [loc. TBA, depending on where the current class ends]; new students are expected to have read thus far at least in a translation. Sight reading is not required, home preparation is essential.
Level: There will be no fixed assignments; we'll go each time as far as we can, which will depend on how well you are prepared and how much deeper than mere grammar/syntax you wish to go. Students may differ as regards their respective levels of proficiency; yet in class everyone is supposed to read and translate in turn.
Textbook: Plato, Phaedrus edited [with commentary] by Harvey Yunis (Cambridge: UP, 2011); Plato's Phaedrus: A Commentary for Greek Readers by Paul Ryan (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2012).
Sections capped at: 5 students. If the course is sold-out, please fill out this waiting-list form.
Mondays, 9pm U.S. Eastern Time
Course has already past.