Aequora at Cornerstone Elementary


The Cornerstone Elementary School is located in Birmingham, AL. It is a private, faith-based elementary school in a Birmingham neighborhood on the economic margins. The students are predominantly African-American and predominantly from families of limited means. At Cornerstone Elementary, we are proud to partner with The Paideia Institute and offer Aequora as an after-school program.

Aequora is a K-8 curriculum focusing on literacy education via Latin. Led by independent site-coordinators, Aequora has expanded to over 30 sites in 12 states. At Ashland Elementary, we have chosen Aequora because we believe in the benefits of a classical education. Through The Paideia Institute's Aequora curriculum, our volunteers harness the classical languages’ power to improve literacy while making the ancient Mediterranean world fun and accessible to students of all backgrounds. To support Aequora, please click on the button below.

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At Cornerstone Elementary, Aequora sessions are held on a weekly basis. Over the years, we have developed a number of teaching materials to help our volunteers implement the program. Our wide array of activities, lesson plans, and vocabulary cards testifies to the great flexibility of the Aequora curriculum, which readily allows for site-specific materials to be created and adopted.


Douglas Clapp is Associate Professor at Samford University in Birmingham, AL. This is his third year helping Samford’s Advanced Latin students coordinate Aequora so that Elementary Latin students can engage in service-learning in order to learn by teaching as partners with the children. Click on the image below to learn more about Doug and our Aequora site! To volunteer for Aequora at our site, please use the volunteer button below.
