Aequora at The Meadows School

At The Meadows School, we are proud to partner with The Paideia Institute and offer Aequora as an after-school program. Aequora is a K-8 curriculum focusing on literacy education via Latin. Led by independent site coordinators, Aequora has expanded to over 40 sites in 16 states.

At Meadows, we have chosen Aequora because we believe in the benefits of a classical education. Through The Paideia Institute's Aequora curriculum, our volunteers harness the classical languages’ power to improve literacy while making the ancient mediterranean world fun and accessible to students of all backgrounds.

Our Aequora site is located in Las Vegas, NV. It sits in an ideal location within the community as it serves as a convenient and nearby meeting place for all the students and elementary schools interested. We hold classes in a classroom made available by one of The Meadows School's Latin teachers, Dr. Kristian Lorenzo, as the room is spacious and provided with a smartboard and multiple whiteboards. Our classes meets every Friday afternoon from 4:00 to 4:45 pm, in accordance with the Clark County School District's calendar; we do not hold classes during district-wide school breaks.

To achieve our mission of promoting Latin to fourth graders of diverse backgrounds as a means of social and educational progress, we reach out to public and charter schools around Las Vegas. We have now expanded our publicity, citing the Aequora program's continued success. Using The Meadows School as a locus for the program, we expand access to the classical humanities among members of our diverse community. Click on the button below to support us!