Classical Tours Payment Page

Welcome to the payment page for Paideia Classical Tours. Here you will find payment buttons to pay the $500 deposit and the remaining balance. For deposit and balance deadlines, please check your tour's website or the email you received upon submitting the enrollment form.

Payments may be made via bank (ACH) transfer or via credit card (with 3% convenience fee).

If you have just enrolled, please pay the deposit by selecting the button that corresponds to your chosen payment method. Payment of the deposit is necessary to secure your spot on the tour.

When you are ready to pay the balance, select the button that corresponds to the payment method you would like to use. You will be prompted to enter the balance amount. Please consult your tour's website or enrollment email for the balance amount. Payment of the balance is necessary to maintain your spot on the tour.

Monthly payment plans are available upon request. If you would like to request a monthly payment plan, please fill out this form. Please note that monthly payment plans cannot extend the balance date for a tour. All funds are still due by the balance date.

Pay By Bank (ACH) Transfer

Please have your bank account information and routing number ready.

Pay by Credit Card

Please have your credit card information ready. Please note that there is a 3% convenience fee for each credit card transaction.


Please check your e-mail for a link to activate your account.