Course Description: We will meet four nights a week (an hour per session), doing drills and exercises to start thinking in Latin. The aim is to help students with a basic knowledge of Latin grammar to build confidence, preparing them for courses that require reading proficiency or conversation. Exercises will include: translating English sentences into Latin; drills (conjugating verbs and declining nouns, adjectives, and pronouns); and other exercises based on the readings in Latin Via Ovid (2nd edition). We will work through the exercises systematically, at a pace conducive to the internalization of the material, striving for fluent thought and expression.
Level: Intended for students with a basic knowledge of Latin grammar who wish to improve their proficiency and start thinking in Latin, in order to prepare for advanced reading or conversational courses.
Textbook: Latin via Ovid, by Goldman and Nyenhuis (2e, Wayne State University Press, 1982).
Sections capped at: 5 students. If the course is sold-out, please fill out this waiting-list form.
Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, 8:10p.m.- 9:10p.m. EST
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