Course Description: The Hebrew Bible's Book of Esther deserves to be more widely known and loved by anyone who loves deep, rich literature. Offering a brave female hero working within the confines of a male dominated world, dealing with the threat of the annihilation of the Jewish people, and being the only book of the Bible not to include the word God -- Esther is a book that can speak to modern audiences in so many ways. From farcical comedy to serious political thought, the Book of Esther offers perennial wisdom and delight. In this class participants will read and discuss this underrated literary treasure by reading the Septuagint version. Participants will practice their spoken Ancient Greek and engage in close reading of the text. No matter who you are, what your background, or what your own relationship to the Bible is, this class will show you a great work of literature you will never forget!
Level: This course is intended for students with intermediate to advanced knowledge of Greek and at least intermediate proficiency in speaking Ancient Greek.
Textbook: Instructor will provide materials (and audio recordings, if requested). Strongly recommended (nothing to do with the Greek, but for the purpose of close reading of the text): Yoram Hazony's God and Politics in Esther.
Sections capped at: 5 students. If the course is sold-out, please fill out this waiting-list form.
Sundays, 7:00p.m. U.S. Eastern Time
Course has already past.