Italian Humanist Latin

Italian Humanist Latin

Course Description: Using the celebrated collection of Humanist documents contained in 'Prosatori Latini del Quattrocento', this course will explore the writings of the Italian Humanists of the late 1300s and 1400s, examining the impact the rediscovery and idolisation of writers of the Classical period had on Humanism of the 15th century. The course is likely to read selections by Pius II, Giovanni Pontano, Ludovico Carbone, and Poggio Bracciolini, but is open to students' particular interests as well.


Level: Intermediate-Advanced Latin reading

Textbook: Instructor will provide materials.

Sections capped at: 5 students. If the course is sold-out, please fill out this waiting-list form.

Fridays, 6:00p.m. U.S. Eastern Time


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John Weretka

John Weretka holds qualifications in medieval history, musicology, art history, theology, and Latin and is currently enrolled in an MLitt programme in Viking Studies. He is the convenor of the University of Melbourne (Australia) Medieval Latin Reading Group and has taught extensively for the Paideia Institute on texts including the Ecclesiastical History of Bede, the Vita of Matilda of Tuscany of Donizo, and the Carmen de Hastingae Proelio by Guy of Amiens. John has also taught at the Sydney University Latin Summer School.