Living Latin Semi-Intensive

Living Latin Semi-Intensive

Course Description: A semi-Intensive in Latin for beginners, students will use our self-paced Living Latin online course and meet with an Instructor twice a week.

Living Latin is a self-paced online course that offers a complete introduction to the Latin language. It features animated videos teaching Latin grammar, a graded reader which starts out in simple Latin and gradually increases in difficulty as students master grammar and vocabulary, and supplementary articles on the history and culture of the Latin language across the centuries.


Level: This course is intended for beginners.

Textbook: Living Latin.

Sections capped at: 5 students. If the course is sold-out, please fill out this waiting-list form.

Mondays, Wednesdays, 12:00p.m.


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Nancy Vander Veer

Nancy Vander Veer has a BA in Classics from Samford University. She taught high school Latin in the US and held programs and fundraising roles at Paideia. Based in Marburg, Germany, she is currently completing a masters in European Social and Economic History at the Philipps-Universität Marburg.