Milena Minkova
Milena Minkova is Professor of Classics at the University of Kentucky. She has published on Latin literature in its continuity, 12th century Renaissance, Latin Composition, Latin Pedagogy, and Active Latin. Together with Terence Tunberg, Minkova has co-authored the introductory Latin series “Latin for the New Millennium.” Both Minkova and Tunberg moderate the Institute for Latin Studies, a Graduate Certificate Curriculum associated with the M.A. Program in Classics at the University of Kentucky, in which Latin is taught in its continuity from ancient until modern times and in the target language (since 2020 the Certificate has been offered online as well). Minkova’s critical anthology of Neo Latin Florilegium recentioris Latinitatis came out from Leuven University Press in 2018. Minkova’s new volume, co-authored with Terence Tunberg, Recentiores, non deteriores is about to be published by Peeters Publishers—it deals with Neo-Latin prose style and ways in which it can impact our approach to Latin today.