Ovid’s Metamorphoses for Intermediate Readers

Ovid’s Metamorphoses for Intermediate Readers

Course Description: Meeting two nights a week (an hour per session), the class will use Latin Via Ovid (2nd edition, by Goldman & Nyenhuis) for guidance in the reading of Latin poetry, with aid from the book’s helpful notes. Additional resources will be provided or recommended as needed in order to study further passages from Ovid’s Metamorphoses, and may include Charles Williams Dunmore’s Selections from Ovid (rev. ed., 1969, reprinted 2003), the Loeb edition of Ovid’s Metamorphoses by Frank Justus Miller (revised by G.P. Goold, 3rd ed., Harvard Univ. Press, 1977, repr. 2004), and the online texts at the Perseus Digital Library (https://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/). The course will be paced for a thorough understanding of the grammar (using Latin Via Ovid for review and exercises as desired) and to acquire reading strategies for Latin poetry.


Level: Intended for students with an intermediate knowledge of Latin grammar who wish to improve their proficiency, in order to prepare for advanced reading or conversational courses.

Textbook: Latin via Ovid, by Goldman and Nyenhuis (2nd ed., Wayne State University Press, 1982); other materials provided by instructor, or recommended for purchase (depending on how far the class progresses): Charles Williams Dunmore’s Selections from Ovid (rev. ed., 1969, reprinted 2003); the Loeb edition of Ovid’s Metamorphoses by Frank Justus Miller (revised by G.P. Goold, 3rd ed., Harvard Univ. Press, 1977, repr. 2004).

Sections capped at: 5 students. If the course is sold-out, please fill out this waiting-list form.

Mondays, Wednesdays, 8:30p.m.-9:30p.m. U.S. Eastern Time


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Robert Ziomkowski

Robert Ziomkowski has degrees in History from Siena College (B.A., 1991) and Cornell University (M.A., 1994; Ph.D., 2000), and a post-doctoral degree from the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies (L.M.S., 2002). His research focuses on medieval Platonism and cosmology. His publications include a translation and study of a text by the eleventh-century polemicist Manegold of Lautenbach, as well as a study guide for Western Civilization and articles in the New Dictionary of the History of Ideas and PLOS ONE (“Mathematical Philology”). He attended Fr. Reginald Foster’s summer Latin course in 1994 while doing manuscript research at the Vatican Library, and his fascination with human languages has merged with an interest in computer languages (JavaScript, Python) for the creation of computerized Latin exercises. His other interests include animation and video editing; with his former students at Ithaca College, he produced a short film in Latin on Homer’s Odyssey entitled Ulixes.