The sailing of St Brendan

The sailing of St Brendan

Course Description: The Navigatio Sancti Brendani was one of the most widely-disseminated texts of the Middle Ages, circulating in Latin and many vernacular languages. Purporting to be the account of St Brendan the Navigator's voyage west from Ireland, it relates his many adventures, including his celebration of Mass on the back of a whale and (so the legend goes) his discovery of North America


Level: Intermediate-Advanced Latin reading.

Textbook:Instructor will provide materials.

Sections capped at: 5 students. If the course is sold-out, please fill out this waiting-list form.

Fridays, 6:00p.m. EST


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John Weretka

John Weretka holds qualifications in medieval history, musicology, art history, theology, and Latin and is currently enrolled in an MLitt programme in Viking Studies. He is the convenor of the University of Melbourne (Australia) Medieval Latin Reading Group and has taught extensively for the Paideia Institute on texts including the Ecclesiastical History of Bede, the Vita of Matilda of Tuscany of Donizo, and the Carmen de Hastingae Proelio by Guy of Amiens. John has also taught at the Sydney University Latin Summer School.