Reading Courses

Telepaideia classes are taught online in small groups. The Fall 2016 semester runs for ten weeks and begins the week of September 25th. To enroll, please fill out the form linked at the bottom of the page and pay by credit card. Information about Google Hangout technology and instructions on how to join the classes will be emailed one week before the start of the class.

Continuing Education Units (CEU's) are available for Telepaideia courses. Students interested in taking the course for CEU credit should indicate this on their application and will be asked to submit a short (1/2-page) written reflection at the end of the course.

Reading Courses

Texts in these classes are read in Latin or Greek and discussed in English. 

Latin Sight Reading (FULL)

Course Description: In this course, students will get regular practice and training in reading at sight, with no preparation. This course is particularly geared towards those interested in participating in a Paideia program in the future, or for those who have already done so and would like to maintain their skill level.
Level: This course is intended for students with beginning to intermediate to advanced knowledge of Latin.
Textbook: Instructor will provide materials. 
Schedule: Thursdays at 2pm EST
Tuition: $200
Instructor: Charles McNamara
Sections capped at: 5 students

Latin: Iter Subterraneum Nicolai Klimii (FULL)

Course Description: A traditional reading-and-translation course, designed for intermediate to advanced Latin students. Ludvig Holberg's Iter Subterraneum Nicolai Klimii is a sci-fi novel published in the mid 18th-century featuring a spelunker who falls into a cave only to find himself rotating around a planet within the earth's crust populated by intelligent trees who live in an arboreal utopia called Potu. The work is written in sparkling Latin prose rife with classical allusion, and is a great way to explore Neo-Latin.
Level: This course is intended for students with intermediate to advanced knowledge of Latin.
Textbook: Instructor will provide materials. 
Schedule: Wednesdays at 8pm EST
Tuition: $200
Instructor: Jon Meyer
Sections capped at: 5 students

Latin: Tacitus' Annales 13

Course DescriptionIn this course we will study the 13th book of Tacitus' Annales, which covers the first five years of the reign of Nero. Major topics of this book include the struggle for influence over the young emperor between on one side Agrippina and Pallas, mother and powerful freedman, and on the other Seneca and Burrus, tutor and commander of the praetorian guard and the military exploits of the general Corbulo against the Parthian empire. Depending on the interest of participants, we will endeavor to read either the entire book (c. 3.5 pages per session), half of the book (c. 1.75 pages per session), in which cases we will focus on particularly interesting or challenging passages in session, or we will read slowly from the beginning, analyzing and describing every syllable before we move on.
Level: This course is intended for students with intermediate to advanced knowledge of Latin.
Textbook: Instructor will provide materials. 
Schedule: Wednesdays at 9pm EST
Tuition: $200
InstructorDavid Hewett
Sections capped at: 5 students

Greek: The Apocalypse: A Very Visual Koiné

Course Description: A traditional reading course in which we will read selections from the Bible pertaining to the Apocalypse.
Level: This course is intended for students with intermediate to advanced knowledge of Ancient Greek.
Textbook: Instructor will provide materials. 
Schedule: Sundays at 2pm EST. NB: This course will begin the week of October 9th.
Tuition: $200
InstructorJonathan Arrington
Sections capped at: 5 students

Greek: The Gospel of Luke

Course Description: In this course, students will read and discuss roughly half of the Gospel of Luke. A course in the spring will pick up where this course leaves off.
Level: This course is intended for students with intermediate to advanced knowledge of Ancient Greek.
Textbook: Instructor will provide materials. 
Schedule: Thursdays at 9pm EST
InstructorMarcello Lippiello
Tuition: $200
Sections capped at: 5 students

Greek: Homer's Odyssey

Course Description: In this course, students will read and discuss Books 9 and 10 of the Odyssey. This course would serve as a good introduction to Homer for those who have learned Greek grammar but have not yet read Homer. Students who took the Iliad course this past summer are also more than welcome to join this course.
Level: This course is intended for students with intermediate to advanced knowledge of Ancient Greek.
Textbook: Steadman's edition of Odyssey 9-12 is available in PDF form for free here, or for print on demand here.
Schedule: Tuesdays at 8pm EST
InstructorMarcello Lippiello
Tuition: $200
Sections capped at: 5 students


To register for a Telepaideia course, please fill out this enrollment form and pay by credit card. Enrollment fees are non-refundable. If you have any questions, please email [email protected]
