Convivium Latinum


Convivia Latina are intimate gatherings for Paideia alumni with outstanding scholars from the nation's best universities. Each convivium includes a lecture on a classical author followed by a question and answer session, lunch, and reading sessions in small groups. Convivia are designed to help Paideia's alumni deepen their knowledge of classical authors in an intimate and friendly setting and to build a community in the field of classics from the high school through the university level. The Convivium Latinum series is organized by Paideia's Alumni Board.

Previous Convivia Latina

Fall 2015 Convivium Latinum Tillianum (Sponsored by the Lindenbaum Family)
Migration and Trauma: Aeneas to Aylan
Dr. Dan-el Padilla Peralta, Columbia University

Dan-el Padilla Peralta is a fellow in the Columbia University Society of Fellows in the Humanities and will be joining the faculty at Princeton University in 2016. He received his Ph.D. from Stanford University in 2014. Dr. Peralta's scholarship focuses on religious practice in the Roman Republic and Empire. Dr. Peralta is also the author of the memoir Undocumented: A Dominican Boy's Odyssey from a Homeless Shelter to the Ivy League, published in July 2015.

Spring 2015 Convivium Latinum Dorfmanium (Sponsored by the Dorfman Family)
Topic: Cicero's Letters
Speaker: Prof. Yelena Baraz, Princeton University

Fall 2014 Convivium Latinum Pragerinum (Sponsored by the Prager Family)
Topic: In the Footsteps of the Ancients: Latin in the Renaissance
Speaker: Prof. Leah Whittington, Harvard University

Spring 2014 Convivium Latinum Crystalinum (Sponsored by the Crystal Family)
Topic: Can Cicero Make You Happy?
Speaker: Prof. Katharina Volk, Columbia University

Fall 2013 Convivium Latinum Baumanianum (Sponsored by the Baumann Family) 
Topic: Julius Caesar, Man of Letters 
Speaker: Prof. Matthew McGowan, Fordham University

Alan Van den Arend

Aequora Site Coordinator

Ned Tuck

Latin teacher

Vanessa Jones

Teacher (Classics), Department Head