Schola Nova: A School of Life
How a Small, Grass-roots Belgian School Revitalized the Humanities and Brought About a Genuine Spoken Latin Movement in the Process
[Editor’s note: This talk was given by Jules Culot at Living Latin in New York City in February 2018. The 18-year-old Culot has been a part of Latin programs all over the world, and he attributes much of his Latin fluency to the education and inspiration he received during his middle school years at the Schola Nova. For more information about the school, visit their English website (or better yet, their Latin website), which contains, among other things, links to the dozens of articles written about the school’s successes. The school proclaims that its mission is “to produce competent young people, capable of expressing themselves in several languages and of reasoning both with the heart and with the mind, having a window on the world and on other cultures thanks to their profound knowledge of their roots and of the Ancients.” Culot, who speaks here in English but also lectured at LLiNYC in Latin, seems to be a perfect example of what the school hopes to achieve.]
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