Ovid Joins Adele for an All-time Classic Pity Party

Salve Ex Ovidio (Adele's "Hello" in Latin)

In Medias Res |

Ovid Joins Adele for an All-time Classic Pity Party

Hollywood Deifies Its Heroes: Homer Makes His Human

"Away Hector Fled in Fear": Homer's Humanization of War

Kim Montpelier |

Hollywood Deifies Its Heroes: Homer Makes His Human

a Terentio Tunberg est apud Living Latin in New York City

Cum Desiderio Erasmo in Scholis Latinis Loquamur! (Latine)

In Medias Res |

a Terentio Tunberg est apud Living Latin in New York City

Fun with Baroque Latin, part 2

Secrets of a Lost Art, part 2: Chronograms

Mike Fontaine |

Fun with Baroque Latin, part 2

The Classic Don’t-Give-Up Anthem In the Language That Just Won’t Die

Ne Desperetis (“Don’t Stop Believin’” in Latin)

In Medias Res |

The Classic Don’t-Give-Up Anthem In the Language That Just Won’t Die

Nancy Llewellyn Renders a Spiritual Classic into Latin

O Mira Gratia (“Amazing Grace” in Latin)

Nancy Llewellyn |

Nancy Llewellyn Renders a Spiritual Classic into Latin

Hadrian Meets Bernini on Rome’s Most Storied Bridge

The Ponte Sant'Angelo: From the Pons Aelius to the Bridge of the Passion

Emma Schmidt |

Hadrian Meets Bernini on Rome’s Most Storied Bridge

Take a Moment to Ponder the Centuries at the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World’s New “Romance and Reason” Exhibit

I Came, ISAW, I Contemplated

John Kuhner |

Take a Moment to Ponder the Centuries at the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World’s New “Romance and...

The Fab Four’s Classic Song Sounds an Appropriate Note for a Classicist

Ἐχθές (The Beatles’ “Yesterday” in Ancient Greek)

In Medias Res |

The Fab Four’s Classic Song Sounds an Appropriate Note for a Classicist

A Brilliant Latin Oration on the Teacherly Virtues of Patience and Simplicity.

Georgii Tarrega Oratio “De Quintiliani praeceptis etiamnunc repetendis et considerandis.”

In Medias Res |

A Brilliant Latin Oration on the Teacherly Virtues of Patience and Simplicity.