The Paideia Institute's 2024 High School Essay Contest Winner
Mehmetali Mamedov |
Why should we study Ancient Greek?
With an Ancient Song in My Heart
Mark Buchan |
A Review of The Penguin Book of Greek and Latin Lyric Verse
How I came to read other people's garbage, I mean, became a papyrologist
Michael McOsker |
In this second installment of the magazine's "Why Classics?" column, Michael McOsker reflects on his meandering journey to Papyrology.
A Review of Stone Blind, by Natalie Haynes
AnnMarie Patterson |
Medusa arrives on the scene of a Classical feminist mini-genre.
Why You Should Bring Your High School Latin Students to Living Latin in NYC
In Medias Res |
An interview with Robert Conn, founder of the Thaden School's Latin program, about his experience with his students at the...
Two Cuttings from Central Park
Aaron Poochigian |
An excerpt from Aaron Poochigian's contemporary didactic epic, Central Park.