Elementa: Tools for Teaching Elementary Latin in the New Year
In Medias Res |
New Digital Resources for Any Setting

Παιδεία ἡ Έγκύκλιος καὶτὸ Δίκαιον Ζητεῖν
In Medias Res |
Δαουὶδ Ρὶνγ λέγει περὶ δικαιοσύνης καὶ τοῦ τέλους τῆς παιδείας

Caesar's Gone Since 44 BC, But Latin Lives!
Emerson Tek-ing |
John Roos and the Legacy of Keeping Latin Alive in Culver, Indiana

Bite-Sized Latin
Tom Hendrickson |
Too Much Work? Quarantined with Kids? These Latin Works Can Be Read in Minutes (or Seconds!)

Imago Imperii Romani Persis, Legendo Shahnameh
In Medias Res |
Maryam Forghani Latine Disserit De Romanis Imaginatis In Persicis Libris